Financial Aid
Blackhawks Soccer Club is committed to providing a high quality, affordable youth soccer program. The financial aid program exists to help ensure players with a financial need can participate in the BSC soccer organization. BSC is proud to be able to offer financial aid to individuals who can demonstrate a need for financial assistance. However, the funds are limited and are awarded on a first come first served basis. BSC is committed to financial need will not be a reason a child cannot play soccer at the highest level.
The financial aid amount received will only be credited toward the Club Dues of the player. Any additional expenses such as uniform, tournaments, travel expenses and registration fees are the responsibility of the player or the player’s family. BSC does encourage coaches, team managers and families to work together to assist those players who cannot cover all or part of their team expenses.
Award Levels
The amount of financial assistance awarded will vary based on the amount requested and the individual‘s/family’s need. The scholarship amount will be deducted from the club dues. Among the criteria taken into consideration are family income, family size, player age and the player/family history with BSC. Any other circumstances should be listed on application to help us determine the financial need.
When BSC does award scholarship monies the player/player’s family will be required to provide an additional volunteer time to BSC including mandatory time for the Super Cup Tournament. These are in addition to our regular terms and conditions volunteer hours.
All financial assistance received from BSC, including Club Dues awards and the value of uniform awards, shall become due and payable if the player registers with or plays for any other club without the express written permission of Blackhawk Soccer Club. Additionally all sums are due and payable immediately and will be collected through a collection agency if not paid within 5 days of terminating.
Proof of Need
All applicants are required to fill out and turn in the application before the initial registration meeting. The Federal free/reduce lunch criteria will be used to determine eligibility. Proof of need will be required by all parents.
Blackhawks Soccer Club will attempt to maintain all financial aid requests in the strictest of confidence and we expect you to do the same. The identity of financial aid applicants and recipients will be shared only with board members and club officials on a need to know basis (e.g. the club manager, registrar, volunteer coordinator and scholarship committee). Tax return or pay stub documents submitted during the application process will be destroyed via secure shredding upon final determination of the award application. Additionally, we do not discuss your situation we expect you will also not disclose any details to your financial aid to anyone else or it may result in losing your award.
Awards are available for families that qualify based on financial need.
Returning players – in order to be eligible to apply for financial aid, returning players must be:
In good standing with all account.
Have completed their previous year’s volunteer hours.
Have completed all of their payments
Financial Aid recipients are required to complete additional volunteer work hours as follows:
Every club family must complete 8 hours that has financial aid at the Super Cup Tournament in April. (subject to change).
For every additional player the family has that is receiving financial assistance the player must do an additional 4 hour (Example: a player with 2 players receiving financial aid must complete 12 hours at Super Cup.
Every club family must complete additional volunteer hours
Failure of completing these hours will result in a forfeiture of your $50 Volunteer Fee.
Information submitted in support of a financial assistance application will be kept confidential, except to the extent necessary to effectively administer the program.
Instructions to Apply
You will need to fill out the application BEFORE REGISTRATION NIGHT. The application link is below.
Once you have been approved a contract will be completed with the amount of the award and the terms and conditions for the awarded monies.